A perfect Valentine's Day gift for your wife or mother | Walnut Creek, CA

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! What do you have planned? Flowers die, candy gets eaten, but a portrait of your family or just your children will last generations. Why not present your wife (or your Mom!) with a beautifully packaged gift certificate for a portrait session? To help you last minute lads out a bit, I have several prepped and ready to go, and can arrange to meet you at my studio or somewhere local to your work on Thursday  (assuming it's not too late in the day, since it's MY Valentine's Day as well!) so you can go home at the end of the day with a perfect gift she will LOVE! Ladies, if you are reading this and want to give your hubby a hint, just email him this link or post it on your Facebook wall by hitting the "share" button below ;) perfect gift for valentine's day for a special family portrait in walnut creek, ca